Can You Solve These Insanely Hard Number Sequences?

Spot the pattern and figure out what comes next! How sharp are your math skills? Find out here!

#Science #IQ #knowledge


Can You Get The Perfect Score In This Basic Movie Titles Test?

How much of a movie person are you really? This test with precise results will show it!

#Movies & TV #knowledge

We Gave This Kids Math Test To 100 Adults And Only 3 Passed It

You are truly a phenomena among American adults (age 35-60) if you can pass this test (20 questions).


Only Mathematicians Can Name All Of These Complex Geometrical Shapes

Cubes. Rhombuses. Pah! They're child's play compared to these tricky geometric designs. Can you guess them all?


Can You Fill In The Missing Color In These 10 Beloved Book Titles?

Are you a true literature fan? Take this unique color test and find out now!

#color #knowledge #literature

Only 1 In 850 New Yorkers Passed This New York City Geography Test

New Yorkers, by reputation, are fast-talking, assertive and easily annoyed. Do you fit right in?

#Geography #knowledge


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