Can You Match The 80's Catch Phrase To The Show?

Whether it was something said every episode or just something that stuck and everyone and their brother were saying that year, 80s television was filled with catchphrases. Can you tell what 80s show each of these catchphrases and quotes are from?

#Movies & TV #knowledge

METAPHOR vs. SIMILE Grammar Quiz

Metaphors and similes are often confused because the serve similar functions. Take our short quiz to check your understanding of these common comparative tools.

#language #knowledge

Can You Identify These Famous Monuments?

Yada-yada Stonehenge, blah-blah Mt.Rushmore, but have you seen the ancient capital of the Khmer empire in Cambodia? Let's find out how world renowned you really are!

#Geography #knowledge

Think You Know Puppies? Just Try Naming 10/12 Breeds!

Sure, everybody thinks puppies are super adorable but are you actually an expert?

#animals #funny #knowledge

Can We Guess Your IQ?

Are you smarter than most people?

#IQ #knowledge

Test Your African Geography Smarts!

Even if you're a professional map enthusiast, it can be hard to master the nuances of Africa. Test your knowledge with our not-so-easy African geography quiz!

#Geography #knowledge

Only 1 In 50 High School Students Can Spell The Most Confusing 32 Words

Do you think you can get an 'A+'? You'll need to spell at least 29/32 words correctly.

#language #knowledge

Test Your Geography Knowledge

Do you know your capital cities? Can you identify which country is which from a map?

#Geography #IQ #knowledge


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