Language tests and quizzes

In this section, you can test your grammar, spelling, knowledge of basic phrases and level in different languages. Have some fun! Take our quizzes and find out how much you know about languages.

It's Time To Check Your Knowledge About Everything

Remember: it might not be as easy as it can seem.
7,235 players took this test

Majority Of People Cannot Spell The Most Commonly Misspelled Words, Can You?

The 'Commonly Misspelled Words Test' is driving the internet wild. How high can you score?

#language #knowledge


Can You Guess The Language?

One sentence, 15 languages. How many can you guess correctly?

#Geography #language #knowledge

Only People With Above Average IQ Are Able To Notice The Mistake

Can you find the mistakes in these famous paintings and photos? Let's see how smart you REALLY are!

#Culture #IQ #language

Are you smarter than an average 2nd grader?

Take this quiz and find out if your not as smart, as smart, or smarter than an average 2nd grader! I hope you enjoy and please check out my other quizzes an trivia's of mine and my friends!The average 2nd grader would get at least 2 or 3 correct, if you got less than 3 you are not as smart. if you got 3 or more right, you are smarter!if you got 2 or 3 you are as smart!

#language #knowledge

If You Can Read This You May Be A Potential Genius

Can you pass the ultimate reading test?? Find out your genius status now!

#language #knowledge

Learning foreign languages is very important in our modern life. Taking online quizzes and learning foreign languages at the same time is both fun and useful. If you are looking for a quick game, these quizzes will keep you entertained and in the know.


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