This Spelling Test Is Driving The Internet Wild

98% of people fail this basic spelling test. You need to get at least 23/25 to pass.

#language #knowledge


How well do you know the origins of English words?

Because of its peculiar history, English often has two words that mean the same thing: an earthier one from Anglo Saxon (e.g. brotherly) and a more elevated one from French (e.g. fraternal). Can you tell them apart?

#language #knowledge

Can You Spell Better Than A British 8th Grader?

Take this test ONLY if you think you can compete with a British 8th grader. They're wise and sassy. You've Been Warned!!

#language #knowledge

Do You Know The 21 Most Common American Idioms?

Test your idiom knowledge! Let's find out how many you know!

#Culture #language #knowledge

This Elementary Plural Forms Test Is Driving The Internet Crazy

Only 4% of adults can pass this elementary plurals test. Can you?

#language #knowledge

How Well Do You Know Common Idioms?

How well can you navigate the figurative intricacies of the english language? Take this idioms quiz to find out!

#language #knowledge

Quiz: How good is your vocabulary?

According to new research, four in 10 pupils in their first year of secondary school have limited vocabulary. How does yours measure up?

#IQ #language #knowledge

A New Grammar Quiz To Keep Your Brain In Shape

Do you think you have excellent grammatical skills? Check it right now.

#language #knowledge


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