Can You Guess The Language?

One sentence, 15 languages. How many can you guess correctly?

#Geography #language #knowledge

Can You Get 5/5 On This Tricky Grammar Quiz?

Cheaters aren't winners. You can't look anything up.

#language #knowledge

Can You Guess Which Language This Word Is In?

Only 2 in 100 people can match ALL 20 words to the correct language.

#Geography #language #knowledge

Can You Fill In The Blank With The Right Word?

You likely use these words every day, but do you know which of them is used in each situation? Here are 15 fill-in-the-blanks to test your use of these three confounding words!

#language #knowledge

98% of Americans Can't Pass This Basic Tenses Test

Do you know the difference between past tense and past perfect tense? Are you sure?

#language #knowledge

9 In 10 Americans Fail To Complete These 21 Basic Phrases

You're exceptionally bright if you can get at least 18/21 correctly.

#language #knowledge


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