No One Can Get 10/10 In This Drill Of Basic Spelling
If you get more than 8/10 correctly, you're in the 99th percentile.
Only 1/10 Native English Speakers Can Complete This Word Association Test
The average adult knows 40,000 words. See how well your brain associates these English words.
Can You Fill In The Missing Words In These Wise Old Sayings?
Have you been around long enough to know these wise old sayings? Find out now if you are an old soul or young at heart!
Can You Spell These 13 Words Added To The Dictionary In 2017?
In 2017, Merriam-Webster added over 1000 new words to the dictionary. Can you spell just a baker's dozen of them?
Don't Take This Spelling Quiz If Your Have LOW IQ!!
- You will pass this spelling test only if you'r IQ range is way above the average.
Only If Your IQ Is Higher Than 85 You'll Easily Recognize These Erased Letters
The letters you see can determine how high your IQ is! Give it your best shot!
METAPHOR vs. SIMILE Grammar Quiz
Metaphors and similes are often confused because the serve similar functions. Take our short quiz to check your understanding of these common comparative tools.