Can You Guess The Literary Classic Based On The First Sentence?
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" . . . it was the very first line.
How Many Of The Coolest Literary Characters Do You Remember?
Only one of them sounds familiar... Only one!
How Well Do You Know Your Classic Literature?
Many incredible books have come from many incredible authors, but how well do you know these classics?
Can You Name the Authors of these Classic Books?
Only a true book lover will be able to answer all 21 questions correctly!
Can You Name These 21 Most Influential Authors Of All Time?
How many of these literary gods do you know off the top of your head?
Can You Fill In The Missing Color In These 10 Beloved Book Titles?
Are you a true literature fan? Take this unique color test and find out now!
Classic Rock Lyrics Or Classic Literature
Do you know Literature and Classic Rock? We will give you the opening line from a song or a book. Your challenge is to decide is it rock or literature?
Can You Name These 51 Harry Potter Characters?
Think you REALLY know Harry Potter? We'll see about that!
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