Can You Fill In The Blank With The Right Word?
You likely use these words every day, but do you know which of them is used in each situation? Here are 15 fill-in-the-blanks to test your use of these three confounding words!
Can You Name The Famous Movie Title From It's Spoiler Ending?
SPOILER ALERT! We tell you the spoiler ending, you name the movie its from! Got what it takes, movie fan?
#funny #Movies & TV #knowledge
Majority Of Women Are Confused By This Tricky Color Test!
Most women struggle to differentiate between colors... are you part of the majority or the elite minority? Find out now by clicking on the right colors as fast as you can! Go on!! Prove us wrong!
98% of Americans Can't Pass This Basic Tenses Test
Do you know the difference between past tense and past perfect tense? Are you sure?
Can You Name These 45 Cities From Their Nicknames?
The City of Love, The Big Apple, Sin City, all nicknames for some of the most famous cities of the world. Can you guess what the city is, simply from its nickname.