Authors - Where Were They Born?

We read their books, we follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook but do we know where they were born?

#language #knowledge


Can You Finish The Most Famous Quotes Of All Time?

You've probably heard these quotes many times, but just how well do you know them?

#History #celebs #knowledge #inspiration

METAPHOR vs. SIMILE Grammar Quiz

Metaphors and similes are often confused because the serve similar functions. Take our short quiz to check your understanding of these common comparative tools.

#language #knowledge

The Hardest World History Quiz

Think you know world history? Prepare to be stumped. These 12 questions are real brain teasers but just for sport, the last two aren't so bad. ;)

#Geography #History #knowledge

Do you know English Grammar?

Do you know how to use apostrophes in English grammar? These 3 are the words that cause most problems in English: your v you're, its v it's and there v their v they're.

10 questions to find out if you are an English Grammar God.

#language #knowledge

Only 3 In 50 College Seniors Got 31/31. How Many Will You Get?

"My life is a monument to procrastination, to the art of putting things off until later, or much later, or possibly never."

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