Popular quizzes and tests

Here you can find our users’ favorite trivia quizzes and tests. Challenge your general knowledge on different topics: personality, relationship, IQ, movies, and many others. Try our trivia questions and share your thoughts of them.

It's Time To Check Your Knowledge About Everything

Remember: it might not be as easy as it can seem.
7,105 players took this test

How well do you know these famous world wonders?

There are the many wonders of the world: ancient wonders, the natural wonders, and the modern wonders, and some just plain gorgeous places. How well do you know these famous sights?

#Geography #knowledge


Do You Really Know The Basics Of Driving?

How much do you know about driving? Take this test to find out if you're up to speed with the basics!


Vision Test

This is the vision test that no one could ever pass. CHALLENGE?

#color #vision

Back-To-School Basics Grammar Quiz

Test your knowledge of these English grammar basics!

#language #knowledge

What's Your Car IQ?

How well do you know about your car?

#IQ #knowledge

Can You Answer These Questions About The Sun?

The Sun is what makes the world go round. Do you actually know anything about this life force that births and breaths you?

#knowledge #Nature

Unbelievable! 99% Of College Students Fail This Math Test

Only 15 questions to find out whether you're in the top 1%! Let's start immediately!

#Science #knowledge

Can You Pass An American History Quiz?

America's history is astonishing and very original. Well, how much of an American are you? Can you pass this simple quiz about America's History? Let's Play!

#History #knowledge

Only A Genius Can Solve This Double Vision Eye Test

Where is it? This test will check your vision, memory and brain! Are you ready?


Can You Name These 80s Movies With Just 3 Clues?

Are you a true 80s movie buff? Let's see if you can guess these 80s movies based on the 3 clues given!

#Movies & TV #knowledge

Online trivia quizzes entertain people and bring them interesting information in a form of games. Our 10 million community of trivia fans have already appreciated that. Join our big family and help other users to find quizzes they will enjoy.


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