78% Of Adults Won't Be Able To Match These 4th Grade Science Terms to Their Definition

Do you know more about science than a 4th grader? Test yourself here and find out!

#Science #knowledge


Only Smart People Will Pass This 10-Question IQ Drill

"A recurrent headache is worth about 150 IQ points."


Can You Finish Off These Scientific Facts?

How much scientific knowledge did you really absorb from watching The Magic School Bus?

#IQ #Movies & TV #knowledge

Which Shakespeare Play Is The Movie Based On?

Do you know which Shakespearean play these modern films were inspired by?

#Movies & TV #knowledge #literature

Are You Smarter than a 7th Grader?

Can you answer questions all 7th graders should know? Take this quiz to find out!

#IQ #knowledge

Can You Spot The Right Puppy?

See if you can spot the right puppy of the same breed, just by using a photo of the adult!

#animals #knowledge

Only True Geniuses Can Pass This Deduction Test

Can you out-Sherlock Sherlock? Take this quiz to find out!

#IQ #knowledge

Only Highly Creative People Can Solve These Riddles

Do you consider yourself highly creative? Only highly creative people can solve these riddles!

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