Top 10 surprising facts about India 9/27/2017

India is a mysterious country of hundreds of languages, delicious exotic food and the most atmospheric railways in the world. Today you can take a closer look at India's rich and fantastic culture.

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#Geography #History #Society


7 popular historical myths you probably believe in 9/25/2017

They say, lies always spread faster than truth. Especially when it comes to interesting facts about famous events and people. You will be surprised to find out all these popular historical facts are actually myths.

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Interesting facts about ancient Egypt you probably didn't know 8/9/2017

Does Ancient Egypt fascinate you? Then the facts from this article will definitely interest you. Read and enjoy!

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#Culture #History

Rare historical pictures of famous people you haven't seen before 7/27/2017

Strangers or friends? These amazing and rare historical pictures will show you famous people from the different side. Enjoy!

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#History #celebs #photography

15 brilliant facts about everything 5/22/2017

There are so many unbelievable things in the world we don't know about. Why not learn a little more and broaden your general knowledge?

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#Science #History #IQ

Try to recognize them - 17 rarest photos of famous people 5/12/2017

17 marvelous rare photos of famous people that you've hardly seen before. Watch and enjoy!

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#History #celebs #photography

7 common things that were made by famous geniuses 5/5/2017

Have you ever thought of where the things that surround you came from? You won't believe that these simple but with it genius inventions were made by such famous people. Learn this new information with

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#Science #History

Improve your knowledge - Only true and fun science facts 4/26/2017

We bet you don't know these incredible facts! offers you to learn new things and improve your knowledge.

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#Geography #Culture #Science #History

6 familiar symbols with unfamiliar origins 4/18/2017

Where have all these symbols we use every day come from? What are their true meanings? Let's find the answers together.

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#History #Society #IQ

Nostalgia: what do you know about this feeling? 3/6/2017

Do you really know what nostalgia is? Discover the most interesting facts in this incredible video!

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#History #psychology


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