12 new tricky riddles to test your logic and wit 10/3/2019
It's time to test your brain power – try to solve these 12 new brainteasers and prove that you can think outside the box.
10 English words that used to have completely different meanings 9/22/2019
Many words we use everyday appeared many centuries ago and have witnessed numerous historical changes, that's why their meanings have mutated over time. Read on to find the most outstanding examples of such words.
#Science #History #language #knowledge #literature
The answers to these 5 tricky questions about the world will feed your curiosity 9/19/2019
The most curious and interesting questions usually come to our mind while we're living our everyday life. Read this article to learn more about the universe, deleted files and the power of the human jump.
#Science #IQ #knowledge #Nature
Tell me what your favorite sleep position is, and I'll tell you who you are 9/19/2019
Some people toss and turn while they are sleeping, others don’t change positions during the night very often, but most of us have a favorite pose. There are plenty of positions people lie in and all of them can be divided into several groups. They say much about inner you and your behavior.
#Personality #funny #health #knowledge
9 effective ways to reduce stress 9/19/2019
Modern life brings us not only convenience but also a lot of reasons for stress. It influences our health and mood not in the best way. It’s time to calm down. Here are 9 useful pieces of advice to get rid of stress.
#Personality #psychology #health #knowledge #inspiration
Most striking differences in school systems around the world 9/19/2019
Schools around the world differ in subjects that children are taught, the number of hours they should study and the length of the school holidays. School is a place where children spend most of their time. Right there at school pupils usually decide what to become. Let's take a look at school subjects in different countries that are supposed to develop one's talents and skills.
Surprising facts about usual things around us only few people know 9/6/2019
Are you sure you know where the largest waterfall in the world is? Or why salt makes pineapples sweeter? If you are eager to learn new surprising information these facts are right for you.
#Geography #animals #funny #knowledge
Improve your memory with these 7 everyday exercises
Ms Cruz
You won't spend much time on these – the useful tips you'll find below will help you make your daily routine useful for your brain and memory.
#Science #health #knowledge #memory
7 Daily Myths You Probably Still Believe
Do you still believe that bananas grow on trees? We have some new information for you! Learn more about the world around you.
Test your knowledge of your own body: which of these health facts are false?
Mary Jackson
Today, we know a lot about our body and health... but is the information we read and hear always accurate? Try to tell which of these facts are false to check how good your knowledge of health-related topics really is.