What is the creepiest and most terrifying place in the world? 11/13/2018

One of the creepier places, but also oddly charming, is Lake Natron in Tanzania.

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#Geography #Science #Quora


Why do you think zebra crossings are called that? 11/10/2018

In the middle of the 20th century, several zebras escaped from London Zoo and, against all odds, somehow managed to thrive in the urban environment.

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#History #animals #funny #Quora

What language do they speak in the ISS? 11/8/2018

By definition —or maybe better said, by requirement— the language of the International Space Station (ISS) is English.

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#Society #language #Quora

What sounds extremely wrong, but is actually correct? 11/4/2018

All of the nation of Monaco can fit inside the Indy 500 sports stadium.

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#Geography #Quora


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