Future is Now: 8 incredible events that are going to happen until 2050 10/11/2017
Time flies. The first half of the 21st century is going to end in about 30 years! As it turns out, even now we can predict some important events that are going to happen until 2050... Here are the most interesting of them today.
#Culture #Science #History #Society
5 popular myths about the Moon you probably believe
Our natural satellite plays an important part in the lives of all humans - we believe that the Moon has a certain influence on our mood, health and even destiny. But some things about the Moon are still little-known and, of course, there are some myths to be exploded...
The Dead Sea keeps people alive 9/21/2017
Actually the Dead Sea is not a sea - it's a lake. The lake is landed between Jordan, Israel and Palestine. Its surface is 430 meters below the sea level. The water has a unique chemical composition and is extremely salty: a man can read a newspaper while sitting in the middle of the Dead Sea without effort. Moreover, the Dead Sea is famous for its healing qualities. We provided the info about the healthy influence of the lake on a person. Come and see!
How do hurricanes get their beautiful feminine names? 9/20/2017
Annually hundreds of tropical cyclones, tornado cyclones, hurricanes and sandstorms appear on Earth. We obtain disturbing messages about disasters all over the planet from the TV or radio. Have you noticed those destructive creatures always have feminine names? It may seem quite absurd, that is why we decided to clarify the matter for our dear readers!
We bet you won't recognize these everyday objects under the microscope
The world under the microscope seems magical. We bet you won't recognize these objects you see every day at once. Watch and enjoy!
If you are a coffee person, you should definitely know these surprising facts about caffeine
Ann Lewis
Does caffeine really have invigorating effect? How it influences our brain? QuizzClub.com has all the answers.
Cats and their influence on people
Ann Lewis
It seems that cats can give nothing but joy. However, these cute little guys are capable of great feats!
The most interesting random facts you didn't know before
Ann Lewis
As they say, one lives and learns! QuizzClub.com gathered for you 7 incredible facts you might not know.
Mysterious human body - 15 facts you didn't hear about 6/23/2017
How well do you know your body and the processes that happen with it every day? We have found 15 incredible facts about human body and we bet you didn't know them!
Weird phenomena scientists can't explain
Ann Lewis
These unbelievable and weird notions are very hard to explain. Why? Let's find out.