The first object you see in this picture will tell a lot about your personality 12/27/2018

The way we see things has a lot to do with our psychology. Take this fun test to find out what the first object you see in the picture can say about you. Remember: don't take it too seriously!

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#Society #psychology


Some awesome tips to master your conversation skills 12/22/2018

Feel uncertain about how to start a conversation? That is not a reason to avoid social events and it shouldn't stop you from trying to make new friends .Take a look at these psychological tips to improve your skills!

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#Society #Personality #knowledge

8 little-known facts that will take all your thoughts 12/15/2018

Do you know why people knock on wood for luck? Or how did Leonardo da Vinci treat animals? If you are eager to learn something new everyday this article is right for you.

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#History #Society #knowledge

10 weird facts about the world that will blow your mind 12/14/2018

In Japan, it's possible to adopt an adult. Dead people can get goosebumps. You are more likely to become the President than to win the lottery. Read on to learn more weird and hilarious facts about the world.

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#Science #Society

What is the evolutionary reason why humans are ticklish? 11/23/2018

There are a few ideas about why humans experience ticklishness and there are also two kinds of tickling.

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#Society #health #Quora

Why doesn't Coca Cola sue Pepsi due to copyright infringement? 11/20/2018

First off, congratulations on stumbling upon one of the more interesting cases in intellectual property history!

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#Culture #History #Society #Quora

Is it okay to refuse to pay for a bottle of wine after tasting it in a restaurant? 11/17/2018

The purpose of the ceremony of the waiter opening a bottle of wine and pouring a bit into your glass is not for you to taste the wine.

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#Society #food #Quora

Why does meat taste good? 11/15/2018

If evolution is about surviving and reproducing in the best possible way, why not make predators not want to eat you?

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#Society #animals #food #Quora


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