Nobody Scored More Than 10/15 In This Insane American History Quiz
Abraham Lincoln, on the accusation that he was two-faced:
“If I had two faces, would I be wearing this one?”
Only Grammar Masters Can Pass This Apostrophe Test!
It takes some pretty crazy grammar skills to be able to identify where apostrophes belong and where they do not. Test yourself here!
Why 94% Of High School Students Fail This Mixed Knowledge Quiz
You need to score at least 11/15 in order to pass.
Can You Pass This American Literature Quiz from 1911?
The following questions were compiled from a collection of New York Regents exams and published in book format in 1911 for teachers to use as review material with their students. This particular quiz draws on questions about American authors and literature. How many can you answer correctly?
Even People With A PhD Said They Had A Difficult Time With This Geography Drill
You definitely have a PhD if you pass this one!
98% Of Americans Cannot Complete These 24 Basic Phrases
Only 2% of Americans passed this English drill!