Are you saying these common English phrases correctly?

Some of these phrases get confused in everyday conversation. Are you sure you're saying them correctly?

#language #knowledge

How Good Is Your UK Geography Knowledge?

Take the quiz and find out how much you know about UK geography! I bet you know more than you think. Good Luck :)

#Geography #knowledge

You're A Genius If You Get 20/20 In This World History Quiz!

History never really says goodbye. History says, 'See you later.'

#History #knowledge

Could You Pass A School Algebra Exam Today?

Remember the time you were told you would use Algebra in your everyday life? Well the time has finally come!

#IQ #knowledge

Only People With Superhuman Color Vision Can Ace This 5 Question Spelling Test

How well can you see these words camoflauged in color and guess the correct spelling?

#language #knowledge #vision

Can You Complete These Famous 90's Catchphrases?

See how much you'd fit in with 90's culture by filling in the rest of each phrase!

#Culture #knowledge

Are You A Math Master?

Test your skill with numbers in this fun quiz!

#IQ #knowledge

Can You Answer These Primary School Maths Questions?

See how many of these simple maths questions you can answer

#Science #knowledge

Can You Tell British vs. American Spelling?

Do you know which country to use "theatre" and "theater" in?

#language #knowledge

What Is Your 90's Movie I.Q.?

From the Disney Renaissance to Jurassic Park and Forrest Gump - How well do you actually remember the classics of this nostalgic era?

#Movies & TV #knowledge


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