Can You Pass An Advanced IQ Test From 1980?

Do you have what it takes to get a perfect score on one of the most challenging knowledge quizzes known to man?

#IQ #knowledge


Solve 5/10 Of These Riddles And Prove You're Still A Genius

Some of the riddles look simple but don’t get relaxed!

#IQ #knowledge

98% Of Americans Couldn't Spell These 17 Medieval English Words

The greatest scholars are not usually the wisest people. Are you?

#language #knowledge

Try To Solve These Impossible Riddles If You're Bored Out Of Your Mind

Man is the most intelligent of the animals - and the most silly.

#IQ #knowledge

Test Your Science Knowledge

This quiz of general science knowledge was originally created by the Pew Research Center. Only 6% of Americans answer 100% of questions correct.

#Science #IQ #knowledge

Are you Bored? Try To Crack These Impossible Equations

A new challenge keeps the brain kicking and the heart ticking.

#Science #knowledge

Use At Least 50% Of Your Brain To Answer These Random Questions

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.



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