Do you know English Grammar?

Do you know how to use apostrophes in English grammar? These 3 are the words that cause most problems in English: your v you're, its v it's and there v their v they're.

10 questions to find out if you are an English Grammar God.

#language #knowledge

Can You Spell The 20 Words That Most People Cannot?

"Synonym: a word you use in place of the one you cannot spell."

#language #knowledge

How Well Do You Know Your Basic Science?

This test seems quite simple, without any specialist knowledge required to answer it. In theory, it covers things that all of us should have learned in school. Yet those who made it claim only 6% of adults can answer all 12 questions correctly.

#Science #knowledge

Score 14/15 And Your Intellect Is In The 99th Percentile

The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

#IQ #knowledge

Only 5% Of Americans Still Remember The Grammar Rules They Learned In School

Only 5% of Americans still remember the basics of English grammar. Are you one of them? Let's find out!

#language #knowledge

Are you a Math Magician?

This test will say if you are a math magician.

#IQ #knowledge


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