Can You Match The Pastry With Its Country Of Origin?

Butter, sugar, flour! Do you know where each pastry originated from?

#Geography #Culture #food


METAPHOR vs. SIMILE Grammar Quiz

Metaphors and similes are often confused because the serve similar functions. Take our short quiz to check your understanding of these common comparative tools.

#language #knowledge

Can You Identify These Famous Monuments?

Yada-yada Stonehenge, blah-blah Mt.Rushmore, but have you seen the ancient capital of the Khmer empire in Cambodia? Let's find out how world renowned you really are!

#Geography #knowledge

Think You Know Puppies? Just Try Naming 10/12 Breeds!

Sure, everybody thinks puppies are super adorable but are you actually an expert?

#animals #funny #knowledge

Can We Guess Your IQ?

Are you smarter than most people?

#IQ #knowledge

Test Your African Geography Smarts!

Even if you're a professional map enthusiast, it can be hard to master the nuances of Africa. Test your knowledge with our not-so-easy African geography quiz!

#Geography #knowledge

Only 1 In 50 High School Students Can Spell The Most Confusing 32 Words

Do you think you can get an 'A+'? You'll need to spell at least 29/32 words correctly.

#language #knowledge

Test Your Geography Knowledge

Do you know your capital cities? Can you identify which country is which from a map?

#Geography #IQ #knowledge

Only A Genius Will Get 31/31 In This Tricky Spelling Test

Will you rise to the challenge... or are you all talk and no action?

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