What Is Your 90's Movie I.Q.?

From the Disney Renaissance to Jurassic Park and Forrest Gump - How well do you actually remember the classics of this nostalgic era?

#Movies & TV #knowledge


50 Questions That Every Brit Should Be Able To Answer

Think you know everything there is to know about being British?

Try this quiz and see how you do. It's harder than you think!

#Geography #Culture #Society #knowledge

Can You Pass General Knowledge 101?

Albert Einstein said that Information is not knowledge. Do you agree? Here are 20 questions to help you decide.

#IQ #knowledge

Are You Still As Smart As Your Elementary School Self?

Remember all of that knowledge that you gained in elementary school? All of these questions are from elementary quiz bowl competitions. Well, are you smarter now or then?

#knowledge #memory

How well do you know British history?

Only true history buffs can ace this tricky quiz.

#History #knowledge

Can You Pass This Mental Maths & Spelling Test?

You should be able to pass this test quite easily, these questions are in most 12 year olds textbooks....

#Science #language #knowledge

Can You Name The Legendary 90s Movie From A Glimpse At The Poster?

Use your instincts and the hours of sitting next to the TV as kids and dominate this quiz.

#Movies & TV #knowledge

Are You Smarter Than You Look? We Bet You Can't Pass This Test!

Looks aren't everything if you have a beautiful mind! Take the quiz to see if you are indeed smarter than you look and then show off to your friends your hard earned degree! Or do whatever you want! GOSH!!!

#IQ #knowledge

This Might Be The Hardest 'Name That Flag' Test You'll Take All Day

We all know the stars and stripes, but can you name some of the foreign flags waving all over the world?

#Geography #knowledge

How Cultured Are You?

When it comes to culture, how savvy are you?

#Geography #Culture #knowledge


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