10 fruits and veggies that have absurd shapes and look like something else 12/5/2020
In this post, we are exploring fruits which have defied the natural shapes that they are meant to have. Brace yourself for this one, as some of these shapes will shock you.
5 timeless things that are actually surprisingly recent 12/3/2020
Today, we’ll be taking a look at 5 things that seem like they’ve been around forever and their surprisingly recent starts.
#History #Society #funny #knowledge
8 'scientific' beliefs from the past that are incredibly funny and wrong
When we look back at these beliefs held by prehistorics, they are not only outrageously hilarious but also quite embarrassing. Don’t just take our words for it, we'll show you some of these hard-to-admit ‘scientific’ beliefs so you can judge by yourself.
10 trickster pets that made their owner’s heart skip a beat 11/22/2020
We bet you'll have to look at these pictures twice! These 10 pets have shown some of their devious ways of making their owners think they are not safe.
10 weird behaviors displayed by pets when their owners weren’t watching
Let’s face it, even though our pets are the cutest and most adorable animals we have, there’s no denying they’re pros when it comes to pulling off naughty tricks when left alone. If you think you’ve had your fair share of pet jiggery-pokery, wait until you meet the prodigal Poodle who returns home with a haircut.
13 amazing facts to blow your mind! 11/6/2020
Who wants to learn some knowledge? Here are 13 amazing facts to blow your mind.
7 most disturbing children’s toys ever made! 11/5/2020
Growing up we all had a favorite toy. Maybe it was a doll or an action figure, or even a video game. However, whatever it was, this toy made your childhood happier. But not all toys are like that. In fact, some children’s toys are so creepy that it’s hard to believe that they actually exist.
7 mind-twisting paradoxes of all time 10/31/2020
We as humans have always been fascinated by mind twisters like riddles and puzzles but nothing intrigues the human mind more than a paradox. Intrigued? Read the article!
#History #IQ #funny #knowledge
7 weirdest habits most people have
Don't say you don't have any weird habits. Actually we are so used to them that don't even notice. Read this article and you'll understand what I mean.
8 iconic trends from the 60s with insane origins
We all know about the most popular 1960s fads such as mood rings, bell-bottom jeans and tie dye clothing. However, the 1960s was a rich decade that had a lot more fads beneath the surface. I gathered the most curious and even dangerous trends that were popular in the 60s.
#Culture #History #Society #funny