What are some products which should never have been made? 9/23/2020

Here are some products that should never have been made. Not because they are dangerous, but because they are stupid.

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#Society #funny #photography #Quora


7 tricky math questions from grade school: 85% of adults fail! 9/23/2020

So do you like math? If seeing this question alone made you want to leave the room, hold on! I promise these math questions from grade school are going to change your attitude to it.

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#Science #IQ #funny #knowledge

This is why cats LOVE catnip (video evidence included) 9/22/2020

For most cats, catnip is like candy for those who have a sweet tooth. However, what is it that makes them go so crazy? And is it JUST cats who are affected by it? Let’s find out!

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#animals #funny #Nature

Online shopping: expectation vs reality (+ pieces of priceless advice) 9/18/2020

Online shopping is a quick and convenient way to buy almost any product you could possibly imagine. However, there are still some risks shopping this way. Today I will share with you some priceless advice to avoid those risks. Moreover, you’ll find some hilarious “expectation vs reality” photos in this article. Keep on reading!

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#Society #funny #knowledge #photography

Pictures of ordinary things that are so perfect you won't believe your eyes 9/18/2020

It's possible to see beauty and perfection in anything: a piece of marshmallow, a pancake, a rock, a ray of light... If you also believe that even everyday objects can look as splendid as works of high art, you need to see these pictures.

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#Society #funny #photography

See 18 finalists for the 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 9/17/2020

You never know what you will see in nature. These funny creatures will melt your heart and boost your mood.

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#animals #funny #photography #Nature

21 Woodstock photos that will take you back to 1969 9/16/2020

In August of 1969, the most famous music festival in American history occurred near Bethel, New York. It was a really remarkable event that changed everything. I picked the best 21 Woodstock photos and some fascinating facts about the festival! Keep on reading…

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#Culture #History #Society #funny #music #photography

13 hilarious photos of dads and their children 9/4/2020

Being a father is not easy. Take a look at these top 13 dads who are trying their best!

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#Society #funny #photography

11 optical illusions that will trick your brain 9/3/2020

QuizzClub’s Community has some exciting optical illusions from the Internet to go over with you today. You need to pay very close attention because your eyes are gonna be trying to play tricks on your mind. QuizzClub’s most favorite illusion is at number 5, check this out!

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#funny #photography #vision


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