What personal habits of western people are most disgusting to Chinese? 9/5/2018

There is quite a lot of habits that Western people tend to do that Chinese find either disgusting or inappropriate.

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#Geography #Society #Quora


What is normal in your country but weird in the rest of the world? 9/2/2018

England is fairly small. Because of this, you’d expect that we all sound fairly similar, wouldn’t you?

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#Geography #Society #language #Quora

7 places with mysterious and amazing inhabitants 8/12/2018

The places you'll see here are not created by screenwriters. They are real and people who live there got used that they are different from everybody else.

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#Geography #Culture #inspiration #holiday

9 true facts that are just beyond belief 8/7/2018

The way our world functions is still a mystery. Even though we can explain almost all processes, many facts are hard to believe.

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#Geography #animals #knowledge #inspiration

What are the worst tourist traps in the world? 7/31/2018

The Internet is actually flooded with extravagant details about the places.

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#Geography #Culture #Society #Quora


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