Why did Russia sell Alaska to the USA? 6/29/2018

The world would have looked very different if Alaska had been a part of Russia.

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#History #Quora


7 women who did what no one expected and changed history 6/28/2018

These powerful women overcame adversity and challenged gender stereotypes to become one of the most influential females in history. Read on to find out about their incredible stories and get inspired.

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#History #Society #female #inspiration

These incredible historical plot twists will blow your mind 6/22/2018

A lot of surprising coincidences and unexpected things happened throughout history and changed the lives of millions. Find out about the most incredible historical plot twists.

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8 interesting facts about Her Majesty 6/14/2018

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary is the longest ruling monarch in the world. This woman is associated with authority and dignity. Let’s find out some little-known facts about her life.

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#History #Society #politics

You’ll be surprised to learn how these 12 countries got their names 6/9/2018

Do you know why Italy is called "Italy"? And how does Venezuela relate to Venice? Find out right now!

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#Geography #Culture #History #funny

Now and then: see how our everyday objects have changed 6/4/2018

Nothing remains unchanged. Technologies ease our life adding new features to the things we got used to. Let’s take a trip to the past and track their evolution!

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#History #Society #photography

The most influential photographs of our time that define modern history 6/2/2018

The most incredible pictures are the ones that capture the most incredible human experiences. Take a look at these powerful pictures that show significant events and influential people that have shaped the world we live in.

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#History #photography

These 9 hilarious facts about everything will turn your world upside down 5/27/2018

In Scotland, there are more than 400 words to describe snow. The largest tire manufacturer in the world is... LEGO. A dog was once elected a mayor of a small town, Are you ready for more hilarious facts about the world?

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#Culture #History #Society


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