15 pics that prove Australia is full of chilling and bizarre creatures 7/31/2020
Australia is home to a lot of cute animals such as koalas, kangaroos, and wombats. However, the continent also has some unusual looking creatures that do not reside anywhere else in the world. In Australia, there are a lot of creatures that can bite, sting, eat, or crush you. Keep on reading to see these animals!
20 things we all did for the last time without realizing it 7/30/2020
Our world is constantly changing and evolving. New technologies replace old ones. We don't even realize when we stop using them. Today different internet users will share with you things that will never happen again. Keep on reading the article!
#History #Society #age #funny #memory
7 crazy urban legends handed down from generation to generation
Do you remember when you and your friends were gathered around the campfire? It was getting late and it was pitch dark out there in the woods. And one of your friends had the bright idea to swap urban legends. You could not leave because your friends would know you were scared. Sounds familiar? Be brave and keep on reading...
Fascinating facts about toucans (with stunning pictures)
If you think you know how toucans look, you're probably familiar only with the most popular species. Learn more about these beautiful birds with these surprising facts about toucans.
How do men feel about women who don't expend much effort on appearances 7/25/2020
How do boys feel about girls who don't expend much effort on appearances (e.g., clothes, makeup)?
9 unusual work habits of historical figures
Strange habits happen. All of us have some weird things we like to do. However, we are going to speak about unusual work habits that helped famous people become widely recognized and admired. Who knows, maybe these 9 strange habits are just for you. Check them out!
10 funny quotes that teach us not to take life too seriously 7/24/2020
Sometimes we just need to take it easy, unwind and let humor work its magic. These funny quotes will definitely help you stay positive during the day.
7 facts that prove Diana was the most fascinating princess 7/23/2020
No other woman in modern times has ever commanded so much attention as Diana Princess of Wales. She’s seen by her adoring public as a fairytale princess, a caring wife, a devoted mother and a fashion icon. Diana captivated hearts and headlines because of her inner magnetism.
#Culture #History #Society #celebs
10 jaw-dropping facts we don't have time to think about
Did you know cholesterol is crucial for our brain functioning? Are you aware that originally all human embryos are female? There are a lot of interesting facts we have no time to think about. Let's look through some of them.
Famous lines that were misinterpreted
You probably know these famous quotes, however, you definitely get them wrong. Welcome to QuizzClub and today we are counting down our picks for the top lines that we just do not understand. Keep on reading this article!
#Culture #History #knowledge #literature