These facts will completely change your idea of healthy nutrition 10/12/2019

Is it possible to lose weight or to gain muscle mass without food restriction? Some nutritionists say it is. However, Internet provides us with lots of information that is very misleading. Let's take a look at some facts that can help to make the right choice on the way to health.

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#Personality #health #food


Good pieces of advice that will improve your mood 9/27/2019

There are moments when we feel lonely. It may be a season depression or just a bad day. Most of people experience such state of mind. Some people cope with the mood, while others let the depression exhaust them. There is a list of ideas that can help you make yourself feel up!

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#Personality #health #inspiration

Tell me what your favorite sleep position is, and I'll tell you who you are 9/19/2019

Some people toss and turn while they are sleeping, others don’t change positions during the night very often, but most of us have a favorite pose. There are plenty of positions people lie in and all of them can be divided into several groups. They say much about inner you and your behavior.

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#Personality #funny #health #knowledge

9 effective ways to reduce stress 9/19/2019

Modern life brings us not only convenience but also a lot of reasons for stress. It influences our health and mood not in the best way. It’s time to calm down. Here are 9 useful pieces of advice to get rid of stress.

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#Personality #psychology #health #knowledge #inspiration

Meaning Of 7 Animals In Dreams 8/16/2019

Have you ever seen animals in your dream? If so, continue reading. We have some interesting information for you!

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#Personality #animals #spiritual #inspiration #Nature

6 dream jobs that turned out to be a nightmare 3/1/2019

It sounds great when people get their dream jobs. However, there's always the flip side of the coin which is not so pleasant. This is true for the list of jobs you'll find below.

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#Society #Personality #psychology #knowledge

Some awesome tips to master your conversation skills 12/22/2018

Feel uncertain about how to start a conversation? That is not a reason to avoid social events and it shouldn't stop you from trying to make new friends .Take a look at these psychological tips to improve your skills!

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#Society #Personality #knowledge

IQ & EQ: What Brings More Success 10/24/2018

What is more important for a student to achieve success — book intelligence or emotional intelligence?

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#Society #Personality #IQ #psychology

Are you kissed by the sun? The whole truth about freckles 4/24/2018

Some of us are trying to get rid of freckles, the others believe that bright small dots make them look younger. Furthermore, there are people without pigmentation but wish they had it! Let's check some info and decide whether to like these dots or hate them!

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#Personality #health #knowledge

Only 5% of American people know these facts about the human body 4/9/2018

As the years go by, we tend to think that we know our body almost perfectly. But it is a very complicated mechanism that sometimes surprises even doctors and scientists.

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#Personality #health #knowledge


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