Are You Smarter Than You Look? We Bet You Can't Pass This Test!
Looks aren't everything if you have a beautiful mind! Take the quiz to see if you are indeed smarter than you look and then show off to your friends your hard earned degree! Or do whatever you want! GOSH!!!
The Hardest Quiz About Britain You'll Ever Take
From: I Never Knew That About Britain - The Quiz Book
Can You Name All The Different Types Of Doctors?
Do you know which doctors specialize in which diseases? Test your expertise!
Can You Recognize The 21 Most Iconic 60's Songs From The First Line?
"Oh yeah I'll tell you something, I think you'll understand"
Do You Know The 19 Most Confusing Words In The English Language?
Only 3 in 55 people can pass this test.
Are You Smarter Than The Average Person?
These 7 famous riddles will determine once and for all if you really are smarter than all your friends!
Can You Pass English 101?
Can you pass English 101? Let's see if you know the basics of English spelling and grammar!