Can You Match The Historical Figure To Their Hollywood Counterpart?

You know the historical figures, but do you remember the actors who brought them to life on the big screen?

#Movies & TV #knowledge


Can You Match The Animal To Its Scientific Name?

You won't believe what the scientific term for 'Goose' is...

#animals #knowledge

Do You REALLY Know Your U.S Geography?

Regardless of how long its been since your last Geography lesson, you still live here! Come put your geographical skills to the test! And hey, if you're not American - How does your knowledge stand up against those who DO live in the U.S?

#Geography #knowledge

You have perfect color vision if you can see all of these words

Select the word that's hidden in the box. Don't you dare adjust your monitor, no one likes a cheater.

#color #vision

Can You Name The 21 Most Influential Americans Of All Time?

Just how rusty is your American icon knowledge? Take our test and find out!

#History #celebs #knowledge

95% Of People Cannot Pass This Capitals Test With A Twist!

This no ordinary Geography test... in fact, only 5% of the population actually pass!! Can you overcome the twist? Find out now!

#IQ #knowledge

Merely 2 In 45 Americans Completed These 30 Sentences

Homonyms are sets of words that have the same spelling but different meanings and origins. Can you pass this tricky Homonym Test?

#IQ #language #knowledge

Can You Name 99 Movies From The 90s By A Single Screenshot?

Are you the best of the lot? Take our 99-question movie challenge to find out!

#Movies & TV #knowledge


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