Can You Pass Chemistry 101?
Do you have a basic understanding of chemistry? Test your knowledge with this exciting chemistry 101 quiz!
Can You Pass An American History Quiz?
America's history is astonishing and very original. Well, how much of an American are you? Can you pass this simple quiz about America's History? Let's Play!
Only 80's Kids Will Name These 21 TV Shows Without Making A Single Mistake
21 questions. Go!!
#Movies & TV #knowledge #memory
What Is Your Level Of Education According To Your Math Skills
How good are you at maths? What level of education do you have based on your mathmatical skills?
Guess the film based on the bad movie review
Name the film from the Amazon customer review.
#funny #Movies & TV #knowledge
Can You Correct These Super Tricky Sentences?
We'll give you tricky sentences. See if you can pick the correct word!
No American Has Ever Scored A 12 On This Quiz Without Cheating
12 random questions from across the U.S. Will you be the first American to make a perfect score?
Could You Pass Your SATs In 2017?
How up to scratch are you with your general knowledge? Could you pass your SAT's in the modern world?
Only 4% Of People Will Ace The Hardest General Knowledge Drill Ever
If you get 15/15, you are a genius!!