What's Your General Intelligence?
Measure your intellect by finding out your General Intelligence quotient on a scale from 0 to 25. What will your number be?
Do you know what colors mean around the world?
Across different cultures colors can mean all sorts of different things. It's time to put your knowledge of color symbolism to the test.
#Geography #Culture #color #knowledge
Can You Pass A 5th Grade Geography Test?
22 questions to find out if you are really smarter than a 5th grader.
Can You Complete These Tongue Twisters?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.
Are You Smarter Than A Third Grader? These 15 Graph Questions Will Tell You!
Sure, we'd all like to assume we can read a chart better than an 8-year-old, but this simple test may just tell you otherwise!
How Well Do You Remember Primary School?
These questions are exactly as they appeared in the original tests for Kenyan schools. How much of these general questions do you think you would remember the answers to?
If You Can Count To 10 You SHOULD Be Able To Score 100% On These Missing Number Puzzles
Most people won't, though. Can you read between the lines to find the missing number in each of these images?
This Spelling Test Is Driving The Internet Wild
98% of people fail this basic spelling test. You need to get at least 23/25 to pass.
Only Medical School Students Can Pass This Quiz
How much do you know about medicine? Take this quiz to find out!