Movies and TV quizzes
If you are a real fan of movies and TV shows, this section of online tests was designed just for you. Test your knowledge of the most popular movies, TV-shows, cartoons, and actors.
It's Time To Check Your Knowledge About Everything
Can You Guess These Famous Cartoon Dogs?
Canines have a special place in cartoons… and in our hearts! Spanning the funny pages, Saturday morning classics, and Sunday night prime time, some of the most memorable scenes were made possible thanks to the hijinks of an animated dog. Can you name these 10 famous cartoon dogs?
#animals #Movies & TV #knowledge
Can You Name These Famous Actors & Actresses From The 80s & 90s?
The past few decades have seen some amazing actors and actresses emerge, how well do you remember some of these household names?
Can You Identify All 17 Of These Famous Vampires?
They're all iconic and spooky in their own special ways, but do you remember all of theses vampires' names? Test yourself here!
Which Shakespeare Play Is The Movie Based On?
Do you know which Shakespearean play these modern films were inspired by?
#Movies & TV #knowledge #literature
Can You Name These Classic Christmas Movies From A Single Image?
Can you remember them all?
#Movies & TV #knowledge #holiday
Can You Match The Actor To The Iconic Role?
Only a movie genius can get at least 17/21.
#celebs #Movies & TV #knowledge
Can You Spot Mickey Mouse Hiding In These Disney Classics?
Some of these are tough, but we believe in you!
Do You Remember "Grease?"
Were you paying attention when you saw this iconic high school musical from 1978? Let's check right now!
Can You Identify These Disney Movies From Their Setting Alone?
Are you the ultimate Disney devotee? Prove it by naming the movies that these stills are taken from!
Movies and TV-shows teach and entertain us during the whole life. It’s time to take our online quizzes and check whether you know all the plot twists and main characters. If you aren’t sure and want to refresh your knowledge, take a look at interesting facts about films and TV-shows.