History is being made right now: meet Karen Uhlenbeck, the first woman to win Abel Prize
In 2019, Abel prize for mathematics was awarded to a female scientist for the first time. Learn more about Karen Uhlenbeck and her extraordinary contribution to women's history.
20 Fun Facts From All Over The World 3/30/2019
Our world is an amazing place we live in. In this article, you will find the most amazing facts from all over the world. Become the most interesting person in the room!
#animals #funny #knowledge #inspiration #Nature
5 awesome advertising campaigns that are worth watching
Tanya Bacon
Advertising is one of the major drivers for trade. However, it can be very annoying and distracting. This is the reason why we pay attention only to really great and creative campaigns.
#Movies & TV #knowledge #inspiration
Ask yourself these 7 questions to find out if you are really smart 3/22/2019
If you love IQ tests, you've definitely passed a lot of them. But our intelligence is not always measured by the amount of knowledge we possess - sometimes it's about out behavior and everyday habits.
#Society #IQ #knowledge #inspiration
These 10 meaningful quotes by Rosa Parks will make you think about life
Rosa Parks was a brave woman who was not afraid to stand against racist segregation laws on her own and mark the beginning of a great change. More than 60 years after her victory, her words of wisdom continue to inspire millions.
These adorable toys made of wool will melt your heart 2/18/2019
Sometimes we just need to pick up some positive vibes and look at something cute. Enjoy this collection of precious tiny toys made of wool - they will definitely make you go "Aww".
#Culture #animals #art #inspiration
Beautiful libraries from around the world look fascinating in these pictures 2/13/2019
For some, libraries are the most magical places in the world. Richard Silver, a travel photographer from New York, definitely agrees with that – take a look at his amazing pictures of libraries from around the globe... and just feel it!
#Culture #inspiration #photography
10 simple tips for living a happier and healthier life 1/29/2019
Everyone wants to be happy, and happiness is actually quite simple! Sometimes we need to look for truth and guidance within ourselves...
7 kind stories from all over the world that will make your day brighter 1/20/2019
Kindness is magic, and magic is just around the corner sometimes. These 7 touching stories will definitely make you smile.
This story of a brave woman who saved thousands of children from disability will inspire you
There were times when no one would listen to the words of a female scientist, but Frances Oldham Kelsey stood her ground, was right and saved thousands of life.... Have you ever heard her inspirational story?
#Science #History #inspiration