Albino elephants - facts about rare animals 3/28/2020
Have you ever seen these elephants? They are really rare. Sometimes they are called albino though they are not actually white. These powerful creatures are considered sacred in Asia and Africa.
5 reasons why the Azores will steal your heart
The Azores is the best place to escape from civilization. The archipelago includes 9 volcanic islands that will easily fascinate you with unforgettable landscapes and colors.
6 extraordinary facts about the Incas 3/26/2020
This huge and powerful empire flourished in South America over the course of three centuries. While the most famous site associated with the Incas is Machu Picchu, there are many little-known facts about these incredible civilization you need to know.
7 pictures of unusual all black animals
Lynda Earls
Have you ever thought about a condition opposite to albinism? It's called melanism, and is caused by the abundance of the dark pigment. Animals who have this rare genetic mutation look incredibly beautiful – let's take a look at them.
12 fun riddles (with answers) to sharpen your intelligence 3/26/2020
These funny riddles will make you smile, cheer you up and become an excellent exercise for your brain. How many of them can you solve? Let's see!
5 fascinating facts about caracals 3/23/2020
These graceful wild cats are not as well-known as lions and tigers, but they definitely deserve to be adored. If you don't know much about these animals, you should take a look at these 5 little-known caracal facts.
10 pictures of stunning black foxes
You've probable seen a red fox at least once in your life, but what about rarer colors? There are not that many black foxes around the world, but they all are absolutely gorgeous – let's enjoy 10 beautiful pictures of these animals.
7 illogical things of our world we don't even notice
Lynda Earls
Many rules have exceptions. The only way to deal with them is to memorize. Sometimes we face illogical things in our everyday life and got used to them. We don't even notice these logical errors or mismatches.
Body signs you shouldn't ignore to be in good health
Dean Braun
Many of us don't pay proper attention to what our body is trying to tell us. Tiny changes can be a signal of serious health conditions.
The Mandela effect – mind-bending examples of collective false memories 3/19/2020
What is the Mandela effect? Simply put, it's when a large number of people share incorrect memories about widely known things or facts. If it sounds strange to you, keep reading and you will realize you've experienced it yourself at least once.
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