12 unbelievable facts about Hollywood's golden age 10/16/2019

The classic age of Hollywood movies was full of extraordinary events – this period changed the world of cinema forever. Here are some of the craziest facts about Old Hollywood celebs, their personal lives and movies.

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#History #celebs #Movies & TV


10 astonishing facts about Mae West, the most scandalous icon of the 1930s 10/9/2019

Mae West was the most controversial actress and screenwriter of her time. She was more than just a woman of fascinating beauty – West also proved to be incredibly witty and smart. Here are some lesser known facts about her.

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#Culture #History #celebs #Movies & TV

You've definitely never heard of these real-life prototypes of famous characters 7/31/2019

We know the characters of our favorite books, movies and cartoons well, but who are the real people behind them? Let's find out who inspired Sherlock Holmes, Winnie-the-Pooh and other legends.

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#Culture #History #Movies & TV #literature

Fun Facts about "Game Of Thrones" 4/30/2019

In 2019 the most famous TV-show "Game of Thrones" is going to come to an end. The 8th season is the last one. Let's remember all the amazing facts about the “Games Of Thrones” any real fan should know. If you’ve never watched this show, perhaps, these facts will melt your heart and make up your mind to watch “Game of Thrones”.

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#Culture #Movies & TV

5 awesome advertising campaigns that are worth watching 3/22/2019

Advertising is one of the major drivers for trade. However, it can be very annoying and distracting. This is the reason why we pay attention only to really great and creative campaigns.

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#Movies & TV #knowledge #inspiration

You never knew these famous characters were based on real people 6/8/2018

Not all film characters are the result of authors’ imagination. Actually, many of them, including cartoon and book characters, have real counterparts!

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#Movies & TV #literature

6 actors who did everything and even more to get into character 11/24/2017

If you treat film industry as a mere entertainment, let us change your mind. Sometimes a role requires unbelievable sacrifices from an actor. Let's learn how far a person can go to get into character!

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#celebs #Movies & TV

John Wayne: 7 amazing facts you should know about him 10/16/2017

Do you remember John Wayne? A man of outstanding personality, one of the most famous screen cowboys of all time or just the Duke, he still remains one of the USA's favorite actors. Here are some little-known facts about John Wayne.

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#celebs #Movies & TV


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