Only 7% Of People Will Be Able To Spell The First 25 Winning Words Of The National Spelling Bee!

The Scripps National Spelling Bee has been challenging young spellers since 1925, but very few people will be able to spell the winning words from the first 25 years of the competition. Can you?

#language #knowledge

How much do you know about the human brain?

Try to guess/answer these questions and figure out how much you think you know about the human brain!

#Science #health #knowledge

The Ireland-quiz

How well do you know Ireland? Find out in 6 questions!

#Geography #History #knowledge

Nobody Got 9/9 In This Simple IQ Test And It's Stumping The Internet

This test was given to 50 high school students and nobody passed.

#IQ #knowledge

Can you guess which language these words are from?

Are you a language expert? See if you can guess which language these 12 words are from!

#Geography #language #knowledge

Can Your Eyes Actually Process Various Shades Of Color?

Can you recognize which color these shades originate from? Find out now!

#color #knowledge

95% Of People Cannot Pass This Capitals Test With A Twist!

This no ordinary Geography test... in fact, only 5% of the population actually pass!! Can you overcome the twist? Find out now!

#IQ #knowledge


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