Can You Spell These 13 Words Added To The Dictionary In 2017?
In 2017, Merriam-Webster added over 1000 new words to the dictionary. Can you spell just a baker's dozen of them?
Don't Take This Spelling Quiz If Your Have LOW IQ!!
- You will pass this spelling test only if you'r IQ range is way above the average.
Only If Your IQ Is Higher Than 85 You'll Easily Recognize These Erased Letters
The letters you see can determine how high your IQ is! Give it your best shot!
METAPHOR vs. SIMILE Grammar Quiz
Metaphors and similes are often confused because the serve similar functions. Take our short quiz to check your understanding of these common comparative tools.
Only 1 In 50 High School Students Can Spell The Most Confusing 32 Words
Do you think you can get an 'A+'? You'll need to spell at least 29/32 words correctly.
Only A Genius Will Get 31/31 In This Tricky Spelling Test
Will you rise to the challenge... or are you all talk and no action?
This 12-Word Verbal Memory Test Will Challenge Even The Best Minds!
There are only twelve words on this verbal memory test, but 90% of people won't remember them all. Will you?
The Grammar Quiz For People Who Like Pictures Of Cute Kittens and Puppies
Take our grammar quiz - which is also full of adorable puppy and kitten pictures - and find out if your grammar skills are "purrrty poor" or "dog-gone great."