QUIZ: Can You Guess Which of These Classic Shows Are Originals vs. Spin-offs?

We all have our handful of TV shows that hold a special place in our heart. You may be able to recite memorable lines with ease or quickly recall episode storylines with in the first 10 seconds of a rerun, but you might be surprised at a detail you forgot or didn't even know. Do you know how many of your favorite TV shows were created as spin-offs of another show?

#Movies & TV #knowledge


Can You Name 10 Of The Most Famous Paintings In History?

These are several of the most famous paintings in the world! Do you think you can name them all? Take the quiz and let us know how well you do!

#History #knowledge #art

We Bet We Can ACTUALLY Read Your Mind!!

Do you believe in mind reading? We do and we believe we can actually read your mind! Don't believe us? Take this quick test and see for yourself!


Can You Name These 21 Most Influential Bands Of All Time?

How many of these iconic bands can you name off the top of your head?

#History #music #knowledge

Can You Complete The Intermediate Math Challenge?

As pupils across the world complete the Intermediate Maths Challenge, we take a look at some past questions.

#Science #knowledge

Can You Identify the Country From its Outline?

We all know that the Italian peninsula looks like a long boot. Well, it turns out to be more complicated with other countries, and most people don’t pay attention to their outlines.

#Geography #knowledge

How Well Do You Really Know Your Movie Posters?

Can you guess the movie by it's cropped movie poster? Put your movie knowledge to the ultimate test.

#Movies & TV #knowledge

Can You Match These U.S. Presidents To Their Home State?

So you think you know a thing or two about the home states of the U.S. Presidents?

#Society #knowledge


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