Acing This Spelling Drill Means You're More Intuitive Than The Average
Only 1% of the population can pass this spelling drill.
No One Can Score 30/30 In This Tricky Plural Forms Test
We gave this test to 100 high school students and no one got more than 15/30 correctly. Can you beat those odds?
Will You Solve The Internet's 8 Hardest Brain Teasers Ever?
How do you stack up against the most brilliant minds in the world?
These Brain Teasers Might Actually Drive You Insane
What doesn't drive you insane makes you smarter.
Do You Really Know What's In Household Chemicals?
We deal with chemistry everyday of our lives without even knowing it! Can you name the chemical that is associated with each everyday item?
Only People With An Insanely Strong IQ Will Pass This Phonetic Alphabet Quiz
The Phonetic Alphabet is used to represent all the different kinds of sounds used in human language. According to experts, only people with a high IQ are able to identify the sounds each letter makes...can you?
How well do you know the first names of the great composers?
Was Rachmaninov a Sergei or a Vladimir?
Are You Still As Smart As Your Elementary School Self?
Remember all of that knowledge that you gained in elementary school? All of these questions are from elementary quiz bowl competitions. Well, are you smarter now or then?
Only a True Foodie Can Name These Uncommon Fruits
Can you name these fruits? No, we're not just talking apples and bananas...see how well you know these exotic fruits from around the world!
Only True Grammar Geniuses Can Correctly Capitalize In Each Of These Sentences!
To capitalize or not to capitalize? That is the question is this quiz. Test yourself here!