Can You Match The Animal To Its Scientific Name?
You won't believe what the scientific term for 'Goose' is...
Can You Identify The Classic Hollywood Movie From A Single Screenshot?
There's no business like show business.
#History #Movies & TV #knowledge
Can you guess the horror movie based on its tagline?
You may think you're a horror buff, but do you know one tagline from the next?
Only 1 in 50 American Citizens Can Pass This Short US Citizenship Test
18 questions to find out if you're a real Red-White-&-Blue patriot.
#Geography #History #knowledge
Only Mathematicians Can Name All Of These Complex Geometrical Shapes
Cubes. Rhombuses. Pah! They're child's play compared to these tricky geometric designs. Can you guess them all?
Only 1% Of Americans Can Pass This Test
This test contains 12 questions and only 2 results, it's either you pass or you fail. It has random questions about everything, it is not a specific subject. It is meant to be challenging. Are you up for the challenge? Take it now!
#Geography #History #IQ #language #knowledge #art
How patriotic are you?
What does the color blue on the American flag represent? Who was the oldest signer of the Declaration of Independence? Test your knowledge of U.S. history here.
#Geography #History #knowledge
Only 1 in 10 People Can Guess The Missing Destination From The Pic. Can You?
Can find the missing landmark based on its natural habitat?
Can You Complete These 20 Difficult Phrases?
Complete these difficult sentences and find out how good your language skills are!