15 forgotten English words we can still use today 3/5/2018

Every language changes with time. So does English, and you can't imagine how many beautiful words with exact and witty meanings got lost. Take a look at this list!

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#Culture #History #literature


10 weird and unexpected facts you would't believe are true 2/25/2018

It's a good practice to verify everything you see on the internet today, as a lot of interesting facts turn out to be fake. The ones you will find in this article are bizarre and hard to believe, but all of them are absolutely true. Take a look and get ready to be amazed.

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#Geography #Culture #Science #History #Society

20 absurd facts that in reality are absolutely true 2/22/2018

Look at this compilation of facts that are hard to believe the first time you find out about them. You will definitely be surprised!

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#Culture #Science #History

Call yourself an erudite person if you answer at least 10 questions correctly 2/17/2018

Even the most intelligent people find it difficult to answer all of these questions correctly.

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#Geography #History #IQ

11 significant history facts interpreted differently by other countries 2/9/2018

It is hard to believe the way they treat the same historical events in different countries.

It may seem that history is a sequence of accomplished facts and we have no reasons for any dubious interpretation. But in reality it turns out to be otherwise.

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#History #Society #politics

10 cities that have changed beyond recognition 1/26/2018

Take a trip to the past and witness the fantastic changes these big cities have undergone.

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#Geography #Culture #History

You can never guess the purpose of these old inventions 1/7/2018

Learn about some unusual man-made things. Take a look at them and try to guess their purpose. It can be difficult!

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#History #Society

9 crazy things ancient Egyptians used to do 1/2/2018

It seems that ancient people should definitely be very different from us. Weird practices, strange language and so on. But it is not right. As shown by archeology, we are not as different as it seems.

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#History #health #knowledge

Real movie-like stories you can tell your friends 12/29/2017

Disasters, bizarre sights, weird events and practices and more - this article will certainly make you say "Wow"!

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​9 amazing discoveries that were never announced 12/29/2017

Every day scientists make sensational discoveries, which contradict everything written in books and completely change our apprehension of life on Earth.

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