The answers to these 5 tricky questions about the world will feed your curiosity 9/19/2019
The most curious and interesting questions usually come to our mind while we're living our everyday life. Read this article to learn more about the universe, deleted files and the power of the human jump.
#Science #IQ #knowledge #Nature
Tell me what your favorite sleep position is, and I'll tell you who you are 9/19/2019
Some people toss and turn while they are sleeping, others don’t change positions during the night very often, but most of us have a favorite pose. There are plenty of positions people lie in and all of them can be divided into several groups. They say much about inner you and your behavior.
#Personality #funny #health #knowledge
9 effective ways to reduce stress 9/19/2019
Modern life brings us not only convenience but also a lot of reasons for stress. It influences our health and mood not in the best way. It’s time to calm down. Here are 9 useful pieces of advice to get rid of stress.
#Personality #psychology #health #knowledge #inspiration
Easy cheat sheet for coffee lovers 9/15/2019
Do you want to enjoy real coffee at home whenever you want? The only thing you need for this is a Turkish coffee pot or a simple coffee maker. Here you’ll find useful cheat sheets for the most popular coffee, save the article so you won’t lose the information. Share these hacks with your friends!
7 daily habits to keep a house clean without stress
It is very important for both your health and mental state to live in a clean apartment. However, cleaning can take too much time, so we have collected the best daily tips for quick housekeeping. Have you ever tried them?
10 little-known wild cat species you've never heard of 9/15/2019
While so many people can't imagine the world without cats, some species of these majestic animals are so rare you've hardly ever seen the pictures of them. Let's meet some new wild cats!
Check your knowledge of the most famous logos in the world
Are you paying enough attention to the things you see every day? You have a chance to check it – try to recognize which of the famous logos in these pictures are the correct ones.
The most incredible treehouses in the world 9/13/2019
As children, many of us had this dream: to build a house on a tree. As it turns out, some grown-ups live out their childhood dreams and create amazing and elaborate structures. Just look at these incredible treehouses from all over the world!
#Society #inspiration #photography
8 ordinary foods that may help you live longer
Everybody knows that it's important to pay attention to what you eat. In this article, you will find out which everyday products are the best longevity helpers.
14 most creative statues from all over the world
Lynda Weappa
All these works are wonderful masterpieces of talented architects, which inspire people and their cities. Welcome the most outstanding and unusual statues, monuments and sculptures that bring life to the faded streets and squares and help us remember the most important events of our history.
#Geography #Culture #Society #inspiration