Traditional yet weird remedies for cold in different countries 1/10/2018

Below are several methods of treatment from different countries. It's up for you to judge how other cultures fight running nose and sore throat.

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#Geography #Science #health


Futuristic and unique types of transport you may have never used 1/2/2018

In modern life, it is hard to imagine a person who has never used any kind of public transportation. However, the technologies of the world has gone far enough to create a variety of transport few of us have our chance to use.

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#Geography #Science

Things you wanted to know but were probably too busy to find out 12/31/2017

There are questions everyone asked oneself but had no time to find the answer. Learn something new about the world we live in!

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#Culture #Science

Why do cats sleep in empty boxes? The greatest mystery is finally revealed 12/18/2017

Have you ever thought why cats prefer empty boxes to expensive cat beds? The answer is here!

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#Science #animals #funny #knowledge

7 simple life hacks that will improve the quality of your sleep 12/13/2017

People sleep approximately one third of their lives. Don't underestimate the significance of sleep - good rest relaxes muscles, saves energy, strengthens immunity and does many other important things! Here are the tips that will improve the quality of your sleep. Start today!

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#Science #health

7 unbelievable facts about a creepy carnivorous plant 12/13/2017
by M.

Most plants feed on sunshine and water, but there are ones who don't mind to consume some flesh. Don't be afraid - they are too small to eat a person or a pet.

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#Science #Nature

Astonishing facts about beards you've never heard before 12/13/2017

Have you ever thought why men have beards? Is there any function at all? As it turns out, there are some historical and natural reasons for wearing a beard. Find out more about them in this intriguing article!

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#Science #health

​10 famous legends that have been scientifically explained 12/11/2017

Myths have fed the souls of people for centuries. As it turns out, some ancient legends have roots in the prosaic events, and science can explain that. Do you still believe in werewolves and vampires? Just take a look at these simple explanations of the nature of the most famous mystical characters and events in history.

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Your identity at the tips of your fingers: things you need to know 11/26/2017

What do you know about your fingers? What do they know about you? There are things you definitely need to know. Learn more about them from the following article!

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#Science #knowledge

A unique footage from space: a planet-sized object flew through the Sun 10/28/2017

An ufologist nicknamed Bruce Sees all on YouTube published a unique video of UFO flying right through the Sun! As it turns out, it could have been a planet, an alien spacecraft or even something else...

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