7 essential reasons to walk as much as you can on a daily basis 6/23/2018

You don't have to go to gym every day to get enough physical activity. Read on to find out how walking benefits your longevity and health.

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#Society #health

10 proven methods to beat insomnia 5/15/2018

Can’t sleep? You are not alone. Everyone’s had this problem at least once in their life. Don’t worry, you can beat insomnia!

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#psychology #health

The most incredible invention of the year - an extra thumb you can control 5/11/2018

Dani Clode, a talented designer from London, is going to change the way we think about prosthetics. She created a 3D-printed robotic thumb that can extend the existing capabilities of the human body. Are you ready to find out more?

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#Science #health

How well do people from different countries around the world sleep? 4/27/2018

Do you know where in the world people get the best - and the worst - sleep? A survey recently conducted by the popular mobile app "Sleep Cycle" revealed the sleeping habits of different countries. Let's take a look!

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#Society #health

Are you kissed by the sun? The whole truth about freckles 4/24/2018

Some of us are trying to get rid of freckles, the others believe that bright small dots make them look younger. Furthermore, there are people without pigmentation but wish they had it! Let's check some info and decide whether to like these dots or hate them!

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#Personality #health #knowledge

Here are the best reasons why you shouldn't sit for several hours a day 4/20/2018

It's not a secret we sit too much these days. Modern world let us move as little as possible, as we can do almost everything with the help of our smartphones and computers. But there are still reasons why you should consider living a more active life and sit less.

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#Society #health

7 easy-to-do tips for better health 4/11/2018

Are you tired of getting sick? How do doctors stay healthy working with sick people? Here you'll find 7 health tips that really work!

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#health #knowledge #food

Only 5% of American people know these facts about the human body 4/9/2018

As the years go by, we tend to think that we know our body almost perfectly. But it is a very complicated mechanism that sometimes surprises even doctors and scientists.

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#Personality #health #knowledge


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