10 pictures that define the phrase 'No DNA test needed'
Dean Braun
Human genetics is quite difficult to study, but we all know one thing for sure: sometimes it's absolutely impossible to hide relationship with some of our family members. In this article, you'll see pictures of people who look exactly the way their relatives did at the same age.
8 craziest laws in the world
Recently I’ve been thinking about doing some more traveling, but part of doing traveling to other countries is doing research to be aware of the laws of the country you’re going to. So I came across various laws that are crazy!
#Geography #Culture #funny #politics
These 10 mythical creatures actually existed
Jamie Wendel
Being a person who is into sci-fi and fantasy, I’ve come across some pretty curious creatures but I always figured that they were just the product of some writer’s imagination. Well, I was wrong. Are you interested? Keep reading!
#Culture #History #animals #photography #Nature
Nature keeps surprising us – 15 fascinating pictures 10/6/2020
With its eternal patience and limitless power, nature creates the most glorious things. It's impossible to believe that these perfect and beautiful coincidences weren't planned – just take a look at these 15 amazing pictures and you'll understand what I mean.
#inspiration #photography #Nature
Clothes from the future you can wear right now
I always wondered what type of clothes we'd have in the future and my imagination pictured incredible outfits from science fiction and fantasy films. I decided to look into this matter. To my surprise the future is already here! And it's not about fashion. It's about comfort and waste reduction. So get ready for the best shopping in your life!
#Society #knowledge #inspiration
So many homes around the world — types of houses
Dean Braun
As a tourist, I’ve seen a lot of different types of houses in different countries, and even lived in some of them for a while. I think that traditional buildings are keys to understanding customs and views of the world in any country. If you agree, keep on reading!
#Geography #Culture #History #photography
Are people from South Korea weird? 9/30/2020
Some things are normal to South Korea but astonishing to the rest of the world.
Pigs are incredibly charming animals – and these pictures prove it
Barb Lenn
These adorable animals look like they know the secret of true happiness – and I'm sure they really do. In case you're feeling down today, just look at these pictures of cute pigs and they will instantly make you smile.
10 of the funniest and most positive quotes about getting older 9/30/2020
Getting older is inevitable, and still it's hard for us to make peace with it. Luckily, as human beings, we are able to find humor in everything. These positive, ironic and funny quotes will make you look at the process of aging in a different way.
Live like Bill Murray — his philosophy and humor
Today we’re unpacking the true uniqueness of Bill Murray. Over the years, the actor has curiously transcended the label of “that goofy dude in movies” to essentially that of a comedy legend. So what’s the deal with Bill Murray? Is this just a cult of personality run amok? Let’s find out!
#celebs #funny #Movies & TV #inspiration