Is there an international standard governing scientific naming conventions? 7/1/2019

There are lots of different systems of scientific names with different conventions or rules governing them: chemicals, genes, stars, archeological cultures, and so on.

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#Science #Society #animals #Quora


What is the kitchen on the ISS (International Space Station) like? 6/29/2019

The International Space Station (ISS) does not really have a “kitchen” as many of us here on Earth might relate too.

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#Science #food #Quora

7 best tips on how to be fresh and energetic in the morning 6/27/2019

It's not a secret that the way you start your morning affects your whole day, but many of us continue to have troubles with waking up happy. Read on to find 7 useful tips that can help you make mornings the best part of any day.

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#Science #health

Does having allergies mean that you have a decreased immunity? 6/21/2019

No, allergy isn’t a sign of decreased immunity. It is a specific type of immune dysregulation.

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#Science #health #Quora

How come cockroaches can survive a nuclear war but they are killed by insecticide? 6/21/2019

There’s obviously considerable exaggeration on the widespread belief that cockroaches would survive a nuclear explosion.

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#Science #animals #Quora

If you care about your health, these 7 discoveries will amaze you 6/19/2019

Is eating sugar worse than smoking? Why are nail salons dangerous? Do cholesterol-free foods help you get healthier? Read on to learn more about the most unexpected health discoveries.

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#Science #Society #health

7 horrifying things people thought were healthy 6/17/2019

Today we know a lot about our body and the ways to keep it healthy. It hasn't always been this way, and people of the past tried some truly horrible things in order to get rid of illnesses.

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#Science #History #health

These 7 impressive math tricks will blow your mind 6/13/2019

Math can be fun, and even some simplest equations and rules may surprise you. Prepare a calculator and try these funny tricks with numbers. Attention: some of them are hacks that can be highly useful in your everyday life!

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#Science #IQ #knowledge

You won't believe these 10 facts are true, but they are 6/11/2019

There are so many weird and bizarre things in the world – life will never stop fascinating us! Here is a compilation of the most surprising and unbelievable facts about everything.

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#Geography #Science #Society #knowledge #Nature

10 terrifying facts about the world ocean 5/31/2019

The huge body of salt water that covers our planet remains mysterious... really frightening. In fact, we barely know something about that. Read on to find the scariest facts about the Earth's ocean.

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#Geography #Science #Nature


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