Can You Name These 80s Movies With Just 3 Clues?
Are you a true 80s movie buff? Let's see if you can guess these 80s movies based on the 3 clues given!
Can You Answer These Thoughtful IQ Questions Correctly?
Can you answer these IQ questions using only your mind? Don't use Google or pen and paper. Give it a shot!
Can You Pass This Astrology Quiz?
Astrology is a complex topic that not many people know about. Are you well versed in the ways of astrology?
Can You Answer Basic Questions About Historical Culture?
Everybody knows pop culture, but how about historical culture? I'm talking about the musicians and artists that laid the groundwork and set the standards for greatness. This should be pretty easy.
True or False: Test Your Fast Facts Knowledge!
Can you guess if these facts from MY WEIRD SCHOOL: FAST FACTS are true or false?
Can You Pass An AP English Class?
Move past grammar and spelling into reading comprehension! Do you have an advanced placement student's knowledge of the English language?
How well do you know '80s TV shows?
Were you glued to 'the box' in the '80s? Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.
Can You Guess The 80's Song From These Lyrics?
If you get 9/10 in this lyrics quiz, you're definitely an 80s baby!